CEM 11 Plus

Henrietta Barnett  & The Latymer School 11+  -  Children's Educational Material 11+ TM

Henrietta Barnett and Latymer School now uses tests from GL Assessment ®. The tests are not tutor-proof. Preparation solutions are available using WordBuilder.co.uk and CoolCleverKids.co.uk.

2024 Year 7 Entry for The Latymer Grammar School

Registration 3rd May 2023 to 16th June 2023
Test Dates 1st, 2nd, 3rd September 2023.
Results Mid-October 2022
Test Supplier

Part 1: GL Assessment ®   NVR is not tested.
This covers Verbal Reasoning and Mathematics test. Both these papers  will be provided by GL Assessment and each  paper will  be 50  minutes in duration. Applicants  are  expected  to  show competence in skills appropriate to Key Stage 2 English and Mathematics. The tests will be of multiple choice format and will be marked by GL Assessment using Optical Marking Recognition. There is also a written 45 minute English paper (only the top 650 candidates will have this marked),

School's own English Test.
The  top 650 candidates  of the maths and Verbal reasoning will  have the English paper marked. Candidates are expected to show competence in writing skills and be able to apply these skills creatively. This paper will be marked by  specialist subject markers from The Latymer School.

192 places will be offered. Up to 20 applicants from the Inner Area (see note 1) who show exceptional musical talent will be promoted for a place in the 192 intake with ranking based on assessment  of musical ability.

The Head states: `We are aware that some websites are suggesting that parents use The Latymer School test a “free mock exam”. Under the Greenwich ruling this practice is sanctioned.

However, we would urge those who do not live in our Inner Area not to do so as this adds further costs to the school in times of financial hardship.

By taking the exam, you are ultimately taking money away from Latymer pupils as we cannot charge for the exam and have to take money from the school’s already over stretched budget to pay for the tests. Furthermore, sitting an exam as a practice adds pressure and stress to those candidates who are eligible for a place at the school.

We acknowledge that you have every right to sit the exam but would ask you to use your discretion and common sense and think of those who live in the Inner Area and the school’s current financial pressures.

Thank you for your consideration.`


We believe parents should ignore this request as the school does not care about children who live outside of the Inner Area. The concept of catchment areas promotes local apartheid. There is no rationale reason for catchment areas and all parents can move closer to the school (rich or poor) and should be permitted to do so. They can move out of the area anyway, and government guidelines are places should not be removed after the first term. We urge all parents to use the Latymer School as a free mock exam for their children until it scraps catchment areas. Exert pressure and overwhelm the school. The hypocritical attitude of the school is clear. It believes in local schools for local children, but not local universities for local children and aspires for its students to win Oxbridge places. Many areas, such as Birmingham do not have catchment areas for their grammar schools. To discriminate against an intelligent child who has no control over where they live is a disgrace, especially when The Latymer School is funded by national taxation and not local taxation. Taking a mock exam does not add pressure to a child. It reduces pressure by providing an invaluable learning experience. Buckinghamshire children sit a free mock in their schools, demonstrating the ridiculous and unsubstantiated claim of stress by the Head. Ask the Head why they have mocks for GCSE and `A` levels. Under her logic this would add pressure and stress to her students! Use your common sense and use the test as a mock and think of all children in the country, not just the selfish Inner Area. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few! Yet again, the solution is a national 11+ with no catchment areas. We favour curriuclum based Year 5 national tests  (English, Maths and Science) for grammar school entrance, which cannot be sat late and can be used to apply to any grammar school in England. GCSEs and `A` levels are curriculum based, so why not 11+ tests?

2024 Year 7 Entry for Henrietta Barnett Grammar Schools


28th April 2023 to 14th July 2023 at 5pm   (details of test informed by Thursday 24th August 2023).

Test Dates 4th or 5th Sep 2023 Round 1:  Verbal & Numerical Reasoning (am and pm, so test is compromised)
Round 2: English & Mathematics Oct 2023
Results Mid-October 2023
Test Supplier

Round 1: GL Assessment 11+ ®

The first round of tests are used to determine which candidates are, and which are not, of the necessary academic standard to be considered for a place. Candidates will be invited to attend one morning or afternoon session and will only be able to take the test once. Following the first round tests, the results of the verbal and numerical reasoning questions will be combined, standardized and placed in rank order. On the basis of this rank order, the top 300 candidates will be invited back to sit the second round of tests.

Round 2: School`s own test
The second round tests are in English and Mathematics and will take place in school later. Candidates will only be able to take the test once and will be tested on literacy and numeracy appropriate to Key Stage 2. Candidates will be asked to apply their skills and knowledge to new situations. Following the second round tests, the results will be combined with the results from the first round, standardized and placed in rank order before being submitted to the Local Authority who will offer the highest ranked applicants in accordance with parental preference. The results of both tests will be used to determine the final rankings.

Grammar School

Grammar School PAN (Year 7)
Henrietta Barnet School (Girls) 104
The Latymer School (Mixed) 192


11+ Preparation

Areas tested include English; Mathematics including data processing, and Non-verbal reasoning.

There is no evidence any 11+ tests are tutor proof, nor tuition and preparation does not confer an advantage – the opposite is true.

Tests set by GL Assessment and can be prepared for. There is a huge culture of preparation and tuition. Like most tests, those who prepare may significantly improve their chances of success. Schools prepare children for Year 6 SATs papers, and in the same way children can prepare for 11+ tests. Practise makes perfect. Remember, children are supposed to be stretched and some year 5 children undertake year 6 work and children in some schools undertake optional level 6 tests.

Recommended Preparation Material.

1. English and Verbal Reasoning is covered at WordBuilder.co.uk

  PDF downloads from the shop.



a. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 1,800 questions.Book 1


b. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 800 questions.Book 2 for GL Assessment (Same Missing Letter in Pairs of Words,  Synonym Pairs &  Hidden Words)

c. Ultimate Verbal Reasoning. 741 questions.Book 3 for GL Assessment (Spelling, Punctuation & Conjugation)

d. Common Synonyms and Antonyms for 11+ & KS2 Sats (over 1,000 entries).


e. Common Words With Multiple Meanings for 11+ & KS2 Sats (350 entries).


f. Common Misspelled Words at Year 6 - KS2 & 11+ (over 250 words).


2. Maths is covered at CoolCleverKids.co.uk

PDF downloads from the shop.

Lesson Notes


a: Ratio and Proportion Unit Method (Lesson Notes).


b: Percentages (simple percentages) Lesson Notes.


c: Percentage Multipliers Lesson Notes.


d: Rules for Multiples of Numbers (Lesson Notes).


3. Mock Tests: Use Mocks in the Shop and at SatsBooks.com

Mock Test (CEM style tests are still useful as the content is similar to GL Assessment)


1. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 1. MF Test A & B. (Use as first test during Year 5).


2. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 2. MF Test A & B. (Use as second test during Year 5).


3. 11+ Progress Mock Pack 3. MF Test A & B. (Use as third test during Year 5).


4. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 1. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF).


5. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 2. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF).


6. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 3. MF Test A & B. Similar to SWW 2 Jul 13.


7. 11+ Practice Mock Test Pack 4. MF Test A & B. Multi-format (MF). 


8.  Letts GL Assessment Practice Mock Test Pack 1 [4 physical books]. Maths, English, VR & NVR {Click here to purchase with FREE P&P}

9.  Letts GL Assessment Practice Mock Test Pack 2 [4 physical books]. Maths, English, VR & NVR {Click here to purchase with FREE P&P}
Latymer 11+ Test

If your child is in year 5 and is taking an 11+ exam, register and take the test as a FREE mock exam. Your only cost is the travel expense. It costs the school money, but why should you care when the school does not care about you? A grammar school that imposes a catchment area does not believe in providing all children an equal opportunity to study at the school. Why should a national funded school be for local children only? It is up to a parent how long they are willing for their child to commute and not the school`s business. 

Stop discrimination and take the Latymer 11+ test even if you have no desire to attend the school. It is the right thing to do until the school scraps catchment areas. Give your child the chance to experience a real 11+ test in exam conditions.


Henrietta Barnet 11+ Test
Part 1:
  • Verbal Reasoning & Maths (Key Stage 2 level)
  • 2 x 50 minutess from by GL Assessment and each  paper.
  • Multiple choice format & machine marked.

Part 2: School's own English Test.
  • The  top 650 candidates  from Part 1  will  be  invited  to  take a full  written English paper.
  • 2 x 30 minutes each.
  • Section 1: Comprehension.
  • Section 2: Creative story writing.
A sample English paper for part 2 can be viewed by clicking here. Free familiarisation booklets are available from this site and practice mocks are available from the shop.
CEM Centre for Evaluation
& Monitoring® CEM 11+ ® Tests
  • No official practice papers available
  • Short familiarisation material provided
  • Computer based tests only using CEM Select
  • Paper tests withdrawn from 2023 by new owners, Cambridge University
  • Mostly used by private schools and small schools
  • Similar tests to GL Assessments®
  • Prepare using WordBuilder & CoolCleverKids
  • Practice mock papers from the shop
GL Assessments®
(NFER®) 11+ Selection Tests
  • Practice papers available
  • Kent County Council provides a long familiarisation paper
  • Multiple choice format.
  • No claim that children do not need to prepare or practice or claim test is tutor-proof
  • Similar to tests from CEM Centre for Evaluation & Monitoring®
  • Prepare using WordBuilder & CoolCleverKids
  • Practice mock papers from the shop
11+ Children's Educational
Material Recommendation

English and Verbal Reasoning:

Maths &
Non-verbal Reasoning (NVR):


11+ Practice Papers from
Children’s Educational Material for the 11+
are available from the shop.
Word lists, lesson notes and `Ultimate NVR` questions are available from the shop.

Free material on this website.

11+ Tourism: Free Mock Tests

Under the Greenwich ruling all children, of the appropriate age, have a legal right to take any 11+ exam set by any authority and cannot be denied the opportunity to sit an exam solely on the basis of their address.
The Office of the School Adjudicator (OSA) confirmed the right to use tests as free mocks and the right to take tests late. A Head Teacher of a grammar school has confirmed in writing: `Legally I cannot stop you entering your child for our test.'  Late testing is also a legal right.
Many regions do not have catchment areas. Taking 11+ exams outside home catchments does not prejudice the balance and fairness of the testing, as tests are different. To make such a claim would imply a defunct testing process.

Note: Taking a "free mock" will cost the school money. But one would expect financially astute schools to consider the financial implications of setting an early test date. Common sense dictates an earlier test is likely to be used as a "free mock" and this has been well known to occur for many years. . The University of Durham® object to this strategy when it is a legal right. We cannot image why, as if the test is resistant to prepping, what difference would free mocks make? We believe there is no evidence that any 11+ test is resistant to prepping and practise will simply improve performance.

11+ Maths and NVR

The Maths site with NVR (Non-verbal reasoning) for Sats and 11+ preparation. Ideal for primary school education and selective school exams. Maths lesson notes; worksheets; presentations; games, & tests auto marked with explanations.

11+ English & VR

Verbal reasoning and English for the 11+, Sats and private/independent school entrance exams as well as primary school. Spellings; definitions; meanings; synonyms; antonyms; cloze passages; jumbled sentences & comprehension.

Sats Papers
Year 2-6 & 11+

Information relating to Sats Tests. Free downloads of Sats papers covering Year 2 to 6 with no registration. Prepare for Year 6 level 3-5, level 6 & 11+ tests. Download the latest phonics tests.
ATA React
Free Android App
Google Play

Fun FREE Android App to test your thinking and reaction speed. Four fun games: colours; shapes; numbers and next letter. Stores score history. Ideal for Sats & 11+ fun whilst you prepare. Download from Google Play.





Download FREE SATs papers. No registration & no annoying popup adverts.
11+ English (Verbal Reasoning)
online preparation with

Spellings; Vocabulary; Synonyms; Antomyms; Conundrums; Cloze Passages; Comprehension, and Jumbled up sentences. Ideal for 11+ tests set at the CEM Centre, at Durham University®.
11+ Maths (Numerical Reasoning)
and NVR online preparation with

Free maths question generator
Lesson notes; presentations (videos); worksheets; games; Sats style tests from Year 2 to 6 including mental maths audio tests; private school 11+ tests, and CEM style past questions.
Now includes Non-verbal Reasoning.
Ideal for 11+ tests set at the CEM Centre, at Durham University®.

The 11+ information site
Helping children pass the 11+
Free advice and resources with
recommendations for preparation.

Children’s Educational Material 11+
Tel: +44 (0) 24 7641 6970 
Email: cemelevenplus@gmail.com
© 2013-2023. CEM11plus.com group of websites. All rights reserved. Children's Educational Material for the 11+. CEM11plus.com group websites provide information helping children pass the eleven plus. CEM Centre for Evaluation and Monitoring® is an independent not-for-profit research group now owned by Cambridge Assessment and Cambridge University Press® and neither are associated with CEM11plus.com group websites. GL Assessment ® has no connection with CEM11plus.com group websites. The views expressed are those of CEM11plus.com. All trade names and trade marks are acknowledged. This website is secured with a SSL certificate provided to the parent group website, CEM11plus.com, and data is encrypted using 256 bit keys & TLS 1.2.